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Assembler, Disassembler (Exploring CPU and Memory) - High School

In High School I explore how works CPU, CPU's registers, CPUs Flags, Memory addressing. We explore what exe (dos OS) files have inside and how computer know what to do. How works Instruction Pointer. How writing decision instructions and loops. Here is a link of this work. My friend Špelič Denis made dissambler, and I made assambler. We create program with Turbo Pascal. For Architecture Intel CPUs(x86. We explore how works 80386. Explore x86 CPU Architecture (Google key words for seaching: Denis Špelič Bogdan Mlakar SERŠ Raziskovalna Naloga).

FERI - Faculty of Computer Science

Evaluation Java Performances. Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JVMPI), Tivoli Performance Viewer and Apache JMeter tools.

Currently developing game

We are currenly develop a game. You can see how it look on youtube where did I publish video demo.
Demo 1 video on youtube.
Demo 2 video on youtube.

Interesting Links

Debian - Apache - Tomcat

I use Debian for Desktop and Server for about 8 years. I know Debian pretty well. I established Debian server on raspberrypi.

Debian is Multi Architecture OS. I love it. Debian Support Arcihtecture

I compiled Apache HTTP server 2.4 myself. And its modules. I configured it by myself and it works exelent.

If you need any help I can help you. If I have a time.

Secure Your Web Page - Your Domain

Use Certbot to create your certificates for ssl and crontab to renew certificat for your domain. My page is secure use !

Create your ssl certifaces for your domain on this link Certbot and configure your server.

You can run security test of your page. You can try my page !

Go to page and test security of desire page Qualys SSL LABS


Comming soon...